Meals and Nutrition

The Buffalo State Child Care Center serves three (3) meals per day including breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.  Each meal is prepared under the CACFP (Child and Adult Care Food Program) guidelines to ensure nutritional value. We follow the American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines of best practices for infant feeding.  Most infants are ready to begin solid food around 6 months and this is the earliest age we are able to offer solids.  Our teaching staff work closely with parents in providing appropriate foods for infants.  It is our policy that new foods be tried at home before we will feed them at the center. Parents may choose to accept meal components provided by the center including formula, pureed fruits and vegetables and infant cereal or to bring some or all of the components from home.  Once a child is able, he/she will be fed from the regular menu. At the time of enrollment you will complete a form that allows you to indicate whether or not you will provide meals for your infant.

We ask that parents keep the center updated regarding any dietary restrictions or allergies.  We will make substitutions to all meals as necessary.  In addition, if your family prefers to provide for example, organic milk we will gladly accept it.  Please label all foods from home with your child’s full name.

Please do not send your child to the center with treats unless you have checked with the teacher first.

Any food that is brought in to the Center must clearly state on the ingredients label that it does not contain peanuts or peanut products.

Nut Free Zone 

Buffalo State is a NUT FREE ZONE.  We will not be ordering or serving any foods that contain or are made with peanuts or treenut products.

We are also requesting that parents and staff do not bring in any foods that contain nut related products.

Any food that is brought into the Center must have ingredient label checked to ensure that the food does not contain any nuts or nut related products.


Thank you for your cooperation!